


Ministry of Culture (MIC)
The Italian Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Italian Ministry of Culture is in charge of public functions and duties related to the Film Industry, its mandate entails the promotion, the development, the production, the protection and the dissemination of Italian Cinema.This mission is deeply connected to the nature of one of the most innovative forms of Italian cultural expression – motion picture – based on the need of consolidating the paramount role of this sector in creating and preserving national and local cultural identity.

European Parliament
The European Parliament is a parliamentary-type institution representing the peoples of the European Union, and it is the only European institution to be directly elected by the citizens of the Union. It exercises the legislative function of the European Union together with the Council of the European Union and in some cases established by the Treaties has the power of legislative initiative, which generally belongs to the European Commission.

MASE – Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
The Ministry has functions in the field of environment, ecosystem, protection of marine and atmospheric heritage, as well as environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment and integrated environmental authorization. It has competences in the field of protection of soil from desertification as well as hydrogeological heritage.

Ministero del Turismo
The Ministry of Tourism is a department of the Italian government. Its task is to take care of the planning, coordination and promotion of national tourism policies, relations with the Regions and development projects in the tourism sector, relations with the European Union and international tourism matters and relations with trade associations and tourism businesses and consumer associations.

MITE – Ministero della Transizione ecologica
The Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE) is a dicastery of the Italian government established in 2021 to replace the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, which has also been assigned the competence in energy matters, which was previously assigned to Ministry of Economic Development.

The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, known in acronym as INGV, is the Italian research body in charge of studying geophysical and volcanological phenomena and managing the respective national monitoring networks for seismic and volcanic phenomena.

Abruzzo Region
Abruzzo is a region with ordinary statute in southern Italy and lies between the middle Adriatic and the central Apennines. It is known as the “green region of Europe”, as more than a third of its surface is protected by numerous parks. The region, rich in native species of flora and fauna, is mainly mountainous with peaks that rise up to 2912m, altitude of Corno Grande, the highest peak in Abruzzo and part of the Gran Sasso group.

ENIT – Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo
ENIT – National Tourism Agency, which has kept the short name ENIT of the Italian National Tourist Board, its predecessor, is an Italian public economic body that works in the promotion of Italy’s tourism offer. The body has the task of promoting the unified image of the national tourist offer and promoting its marketing.

ISPRA – Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research 
The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) is an Italian public research body and deals with environmental protection, including marine, environmental and research emergencies. ISPRA is also the steering and coordination body of the Regional Environmental Protection Agencies (ARPA) and collaborates with the European Environment Agency and with national and international institutions and organizations operating in the field of environmental protection.

Comune di Avezzano
Avezzano is an Italian town of 40,612 inhabitants in the province of L’Aquila, in Abruzzo. Raised to the rank of city by decree of the President of the Republic of 21 June 1994, it is clearly documented for the first time in the 9th century. The urban center developed starting with the French administrative reorganization and even more towards the end of the 19th century following the drying up of Lake Fucino, formerly located in the center of the Marsica.

Sirente Velino Natural Regional Park
The Sirente Velino Natural Regional Park is one of the largest and most important natural parks in Italy. The one and only regional park in Abruzzo, it was born in 1989 with the aim of protecting and preserving environmental values, as well as passing down to future generations cultural elements and signs of the historical and architectural riches inherited from the past.

AGENZIA ICE – Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane
The ICE-Agency for the Abroad Promotion and Internationalization of Italian Companies is the body through which the Government favors the consolidation and economic-commercial development of our companies on foreign markets. It also acts as an entity in charge of promoting the attraction of foreign investments in Italy.

Parco Nazionale della Maiella
The Maiella national park is one of the 24 Italian national parks and one of the three national parks of Abruzzo, established in 1991, between the provinces of L’Aquila, Pescara and Chieti, with the peculiarity of being compact from a territorial point of view , in fact, gathering around the great Maiella massif, the adjacent Morrone mountains to the west, the Pizzi mountains and the Monte Porrara group to the east, up to the major plateaus of Abruzzo to the southwest, with the highest peak represented by Monte Amaro (2 793 meters).

The National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise is one of the oldest in Italy, established in January 1923 and located mostly in the province of L’Aquila and for the remaining part in the provinces of Frosinone and Isernia.

Parco Nazionale Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga
The Park, located in the heart of the Apennines, extends over the territory of three regions: Abruzzo, Lazio and the Marche, including within its perimeter five provinces: L’Aquila, Teramo, Pescara, Rieti and Ascoli Piceno, and well 44 municipalities. It is a hinge area between the Euro-Siberian region and the Mediterranean one, where the highest mountain of the Apennines is located, which contains the only glacier in southern Europe.

ENEA – Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, a public law body aimed at research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to businesses, public administration and citizens in sectors of energy, the environment and sustainable economic development.

INFN – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
INFN is the national public research body, supervised by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws that govern them. He carries out research, both theoretical and experimental, in the fields of subnuclear, nuclear and astroparticle physics.

CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
The National Research Council (CNR) is a national public research body with multidisciplinary skills, supervised by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR). Founded in 1923, it has the task of carrying out scientific research projects in the main sectors of knowledge and applying the results for the development of the country, promoting innovation, the internationalization of the “research system” and promoting the competitiveness of the industrial system.

ASviS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Born on February 3, 2016 to raise awareness of the importance of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and to mobilize Italian society, economic and social actors and institutions in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

NuovoImae is a collecting born in 2010. Founded and managed by artists, id deals with the protection of related rights due to the exploitation of audiovisual and musical works that are transmitted via radio, TV, web, public establishments. It intermediate the rights thath pertain to Performers as actors, dubbers, singers, musicians, orchestra and choir conductors.

Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a global movement of over 10 million people fighting against injustice. Amnesty International’s goal is to build a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.

FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano
The FAI (Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano) is an Italian non-profit foundation, established in 1975 with the intent to act for the protection, safeguarding and enhancement of the Italian artistic and natural heritage. It promotes the education and sensitization of the community to the knowledge, respect and care of art and nature and the intervention on the territory in defense of the Italian landscape and cultural heritage.

Greenpeace is an environmental and pacifist non-governmental organization founded in Vancouver in 1971. Greenpeace is famous for its direct and non-violent action in defense of the climate, whales, the interruption of nuclear tests and the environment in general. In recent years the organization’s work has turned to other environmental issues such as global warming, genetic engineering and trawling.

The Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU) is an Italian environmental association, founded in 1965 with the main purpose of combating the elimination of birds, but also of conserving nature through environmental education and the protection of Italian biodiversity. With over 30,000 supporters, a hundred local sections and a thousand volunteers, LIPU is by far the largest Italian association for the protection of birds, as well as one of the most important Italian environmental associations.

Rewilding Europe
Rewilding Europe wants to make Europe a wilder place, with much more space for fauna and wild nature. In Central Apennines, Rewilding Europe is working to create coexistence corridors to connect the wild fauna with the local economy.

Italian Climate Network
The Italian Climate Network Onlus is a national organization that deals with climate change. He is a partner of 350.org; since 2014 it has been registered as an observer at the UNFCCC.

Comune di Pescina
Pescina is a township and comune in the province of L’Aquila, Abruzzo, central Italy. It is a part of the mountain community Valle del Giovenco. Pescina was the birthplace of great personalities who are part of the political, religious and literary history of Italy and Europe, such as Cardinal Mazarin and Ignazio Silone.

AmbeCó is a cooperative society which, since 1998, makes available its experience to support different realities present on the territory. Aware of the fundamental role of training as a tool capable of contributing to the Community development as an advanced society based on values such as knowledge and respect, finalized to a greater social cohesion, guaranteeing at the same time a valid environmental protection for the future generations.

Red Couch Pictures
Red Couch Pictures is an independent cinematographic distribution platform, specialized in films, documentaries, short films and tv series distribution within the festivals circuit. It is a platform which is able to help directors to navigate the boundless sea of new cinema.

Film Freeway
FilmFreeway, the world’s #1 way to enter film festivals and creative contests.

The Factory
Film production and distribution company based in Avezzano.
A large portfolio that ranges from documentaries to advertising, from the production of music videos to immersive paths in virtual reality. The Factory is a creative and youthful hub with broad cultural horizons, influenced by various international artistic experiences and a high cultural and social commitment.

CinemAbruzzo is born to create an innovative network designed to make Abruzzo a land of qualified cinema, ready to welcome national and international productions. The platform works to build a vast network of audiovisual professionals, from crew to companies, in order to facilitate high-profile connections and collaborations.

Eco Event certified by Plastic Free Onlus
Plastic Free is a no-profit voluntary association with the aim of increasing people’s perception about the dangerousness of plastic pollution, especially the disposable one.

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