



“Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano” was born from the need to promote a critical reflection on themes referred to waste management and sustainable development, through the readiness of movie language.

Mixing art and environmental education means to re-think the way to involve society in the resource sustenance of the planet, our first home.

“Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano” consists of a series of events thought to wake up the consciousness of people living in deserted and isolated zones, to create a shared goal to reach together. Environmental education is a means to contribute to the growth of the active citizen, aware and responsible from both a scientific-cultural and ethical-legal point of view.


The Film Festival is structured into four sections, accepting works of any format and in line with the festival themes: environment and eco-sustainability.

Sections for submission:

a) International contest for fiction feature film or documentaries
(audio-visual works longer than 52 minutes).

b) International contest for fiction feature short film or documentaries
(audio-visual works under 25 minutes).

c) International contest for short scripts (scripts under 15 pages).


For all sections, the members of the jury will be appointed by the Artistic Director of the Festival. People directly involved, at any title, in the production or diffusion of a film participating in the contest, are not eligible.

The jury, whose decision is final, will award the following prizes:

  • Best Feature Film
  • Best Short Film
  • Best Short Script

The jury reserves the right to announce special mentions, on the basis of precise grounds defined by the members of the jury.


The competition is open to movies and documentaries of any genre, produced and filmed in any format. The contest themes are environment and eco-sustainability freely declined according to an environmental, naturalistic, historical and ecological path. Works in national preview will be given priority. All the films must be subtitled in English. All the films must be registered on the website https://filmfreeway.com/CinemaeAmbienteAvezzano 

Registration and participation of a work to the Film Festival implies the total acceptance of the present rules. Cases not covered by the regulation are the responsibility of the festival Direction Board.



When registering, Authors and Producers of the participating films assume the full acceptance and fulfillment of all the contest rules and regulations. The competitors, while remaining holders of all rights concerning their works, recognize the Festival “Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano” the right to screen their films free of charge within the Festival “Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano” event, and in other cultural events aimed at promoting the Association’s activities. Furthermore, the authors recognize the Festival “Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano” the right to use one or more images taken from their works to promote the event and for any other form of communication or activities referred to the Association, with clear evidence of the author. The Festival “Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano” claims the right not to publish or show defamatory and obscene texts or works, or deemed as such. The Authors and the Producers, entering the contest, declare to have the right to use any music track and non-original video sequences possibly present in the film. The Festival “Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano” is not responsible for any damage or fights and disclaimers by the participating works and their authors. Besides, the authors and their producers grant the Festival “Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano” to deal with their personal data according to the law 675/96 (Privacy) and subsequent amendments D.lgs 196/2013 (Privacy Code), also to join Databanks run by the above-mentioned persons. Any controversy will be dealt in Italy, according to the Italian law, under the supervision and responsibility of the competent court in Avezzano.


For any further information about submission, please contact the Festival secretary office at the following e-mail address: info@cinemaeambienteavezzano.it


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