


The last evening of 𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗺𝗮 𝗲 𝗔𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗔𝘃𝗲𝘇𝘇𝗮𝗻𝗼 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮 closed with a wonderful audience participation, culminating in 9 intense and extraordinary days.
For the 2022 edition of Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano we have chosen to pay homage to the words of the astronomer Carl Sagan, a declaration of love for the Earth and its uniqueness.
Don't Look Up, a 2021 movie by Netflix, deals with irony and dark humor on an urgent and topical theme: disasters with a global impact.
Meilin Lee stars in the new Disney Pixar movie: Red (2022). She is thirteen years old, she is a lover of mathematics and she is an extremely obedient and respectful girl.
Also in this edition we ad the pleasure of hosting several participants, sush as Laurenzo, a French director in love with Italy who absolutely wanted to be present at the Italian premiere of his short film.
Rewilding Europe wants to make Europe a wilder place, with much more space for wildlife. In the Central Apennines, Rewilding Europe is working to create corridors of coexistence to connect wildlife with the local economy.
Among the many partners of Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano we had the pleasure to have the WWF in the person of Antonello Santilli, president of the aggregated organization of WWF Abruzzo. [...]
As part of the interviews conducted during the days of Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano 2021, we had a chat with Paola Morga and Silvia Cardarelli of the cooperative Ambecò which, for the past five years, has been collaborating in the organization of the festival. [...]
For the last appointment with the interviews with the directors and collaborators who were guests during the 2021 edition of Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano, we interviewed Arianna Rodriguez, producer of "Built Lands". [...]
During the days of Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano 2021 we were visited by Alessio Salvini, director of "Highlands", a short film in competition in the section "Earth’s Breathe". [...]
We had the pleasure of having with us Lorenzo Malavolta and Lucia Mauri, directors of "Intrecci Etici - La rivoluzione della moda sostenibile in Italia", the film tells how in Italy a revolution is underway to make the fashion industry more ethical and sustainable. [...]
Waiting to unveil the winners of the 2021 edition of Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano we present you the interviews made during the festival to the directors and collaborators who have been our guests. [...]
Among the many activities that took place during our festival Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano, on 5th and 6th June took place the workshop held by the president of the jury Nicola Nocella. [...]
We had the pleasure of having in the 2021 edition of our festival Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano Nicola Nocella, actor, author and great supporter of the environmental cause. [...]
Avezzano, 23rd May 2021. It was held at Antrosano, the second ecological day together with the friends of Plastic Free. [...]
We had the pleasure of digitally meeting Antonio Spanò, winner of the Best Short in the 2019 edition, and an author committed to telling the less fortunate. [...]
Cinema e Ambiente continue to investigate the point of view of filmmakers who decide to talk about environmental issues. We digitally caught up with a member of the Boschilla collective, Andrea Chiloiro. [...]
Avezzano, 2nd May 2021. The ecological day of Plastic Free, one of the partners of our Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano festival, took place at Cese di Avezzano. [...]
As reported by the latest Greenpeace Italy report on what we ingest, in marine organisms, microplastics of less than 5 millimeters were found to be present in 25/30% of the subjects analyzed. [...]
Gianni Morandi, one of the greatest Italian artists (as well as influencer, we could say) decided to embrace the message launched by the organizers of the festival by wearing the official ecological t-shirts of the event. [...]
The artistic director of the festival, Paolo Santamaria, opens the doors of the Orsini Colonna castle to the students of the Experimental Center of Cinematography located in Abruzzo.
On the last evening of the festival, the artistic director Paolo Santamaria handed the prizes of the respective categories into the hands of the winners. [...]
After the participation in the "Earth Hour" initiative, the evening continued with the screening of "Captain Fantastic" by director Matt Ross and the prizegiving to the Tuscan director Antonio Spanò, [...]
A company based in Mexico has found an interesting alternative to this still overused material: to be transformed into bioplastic are, this time, avocado seeds! [...]
Japan decided to withdraw from the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and resume whaling in its coastal waters. A bad news both for whales in Antarctica and for cetaceans living in Japanese waters. [...]
Exactly one week ago Banksy, the famous graffiti artist from Bristol whose identity is still unknown, gave the world his latest artistic provocation. [...]
The project of the no-profit Dutch organization The Ocean Cleanup has taken off to mark an historic moment in the fight against environmental pollution: the goal is to eliminate the Pacific Trash Vortex. [...]
2.6 MILLION is the number of reindeer we have lost due to climate change in the last 20 years. Christmas is approaching and one of its symbols is in danger of disappearing forever. [...]
On Tuesday 1st January 2019, the ban on producing and selling cotton buds with plastic sticks, products that are, therefore, not biodegradable and compostable, will come into force in Italy. [...]
The inauguration projection of this 2018 edition, it was dedicated to the documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a work who makes us wonder about the meaning of life and about being human beings. [...]
Yesterday the feature film “Le Renard et l'enfant”, a film by the Academy Award winner director Luc Jacquet, was screened at the festival Cinema e Ambiente Avezzano. [...]
The increase of the temperature of our planet is determined not only by the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases but also by something more intangible: bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. [...]
On the evening of 24th August, to celebrate the closure and the good success of the 2016 edition, it was projected the documentary Home.

Initiative realized with the contribution and the patronage of the Italian Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual Ministry of Culture (MIC)

under the high patronage of

in collaboration with




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